static | $fullTickTimer |
static | $serverTickTimer |
static | $memoryManagerTimer |
static | $garbageCollectorTimer |
static | $playerListTimer |
static | $playerNetworkTimer |
static | $playerNetworkReceiveTimer |
static | $playerChunkOrderTimer |
static | $playerChunkSendTimer |
static | $connectionTimer |
static | $tickablesTimer |
static | $schedulerTimer |
static | $chunkIOTickTimer |
static | $timeUpdateTimer |
static | $serverCommandTimer |
static | $worldSaveTimer |
static | $generationTimer |
static | $populationTimer |
static | $generationCallbackTimer |
static | $permissibleCalculationTimer |
static | $permissionDefaultTimer |
static | $entityMoveTimer |
static | $tickEntityTimer |
static | $activatedEntityTimer |
static | $tickTileEntityTimer |
static | $timerEntityBaseTick |
static | $timerLivingEntityBaseTick |
static | $timerEntityAI |
static | $timerEntityAICollision |
static | $timerEntityAIMove |
static | $timerEntityTickRest |
static | $schedulerSyncTimer |
static | $schedulerAsyncTimer |
static | $playerCommandTimer |
static | $entityTypeTimingMap = [] |
static | $tileEntityTypeTimingMap = [] |
static | $packetReceiveTimingMap = [] |
static | $packetSendTimingMap = [] |
static | $pluginTaskTimingMap = [] |
static getEntityTimings |
( |
Entity |
$entity | ) |
static |
static getPluginTaskTimings |
( |
TaskHandler |
$task, |
$period |
) |
| |
static |
static getReceiveDataPacketTimings |
( |
DataPacket |
$pk | ) |
static |
static getTileEntityTimings |
( |
Tile |
$tile | ) |
static |
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- /Users/Kids/Desktop/Doxygen/pocketmine/event/Timings.php