| __construct (FullChunk $chunk, Compound $nbt) |
| getName () |
| hasName () |
| setName ($str) |
| close () |
| saveNBT () |
| getSize () |
| getItem ($index) |
| setItem ($index, Item $item) |
| getInventory () |
| onUpdate () |
| getSaveId () |
| __construct (FullChunk $chunk, Compound $nbt) |
| getId () |
| saveNBT () |
| getBlock () |
| onUpdate () |
| scheduleUpdate () |
| close () |
| getName () |
| __construct ($x=0, $y=0, $z=0, Level $level=null) |
| getLevel () |
| setLevel (Level $level) |
| isValid () |
| setStrong () |
| setWeak () |
| getSide ($side, $step=1) |
| __toString () |
| setComponents ($x, $y, $z) |
| __construct ($x=0, $y=0, $z=0) |
| getX () |
| getY () |
| getZ () |
| getFloorX () |
| getFloorY () |
| getFloorZ () |
| getRight () |
| getUp () |
| getForward () |
| getSouth () |
| getWest () |
| add ($x, $y=0, $z=0) |
| subtract ($x=0, $y=0, $z=0) |
| multiply ($number) |
| divide ($number) |
| ceil () |
| floor () |
| round () |
| abs () |
| getSide ($side, $step=1) |
| distance (Vector3 $pos) |
| distanceSquared (Vector3 $pos) |
| maxPlainDistance ($x=0, $z=0) |
| length () |
| lengthSquared () |
| normalize () |
| dot (Vector3 $v) |
| cross (Vector3 $v) |
| equals (Vector3 $v) |
| getIntermediateWithXValue (Vector3 $v, $x) |
| getIntermediateWithYValue (Vector3 $v, $y) |
| getIntermediateWithZValue (Vector3 $v, $z) |
| setComponents ($x, $y, $z) |
| __toString () |
| $inventory |
| $lastUpdate |
| $server |
| $timings |
static | createTile ($type, FullChunk $chunk, Compound $nbt,...$args) |
static | registerTile ($className) |
static | fromObject (Vector3 $pos, Level $level=null) |
static | getOppositeSide ($side) |
const | SIGN = "Sign" |
const | CHEST = "Chest" |
const | FURNACE = "Furnace" |
const | FLOWER_POT = "FlowerPot" |
const | MOB_SPAWNER = "MobSpawner" |
const | SKULL = "Skull" |
const | BREWING_STAND = "Cauldron" |
const | ENCHANT_TABLE = "EnchantTable" |
| $chunk |
| $name |
| $id |
| $x |
| $y |
| $z |
| $attach |
| $metadata |
| $closed = false |
| $namedtag |
| $tickTimer |
| $level = null |
const | SIDE_DOWN = 0 |
const | SIDE_UP = 1 |
const | SIDE_NORTH = 2 |
const | SIDE_SOUTH = 3 |
const | SIDE_WEST = 4 |
const | SIDE_EAST = 5 |
| $x |
| $y |
| $z |
static | $tileCount = 1 |
This method should not be used by plugins, use the Inventory
- Parameters
- Returns
- Item
Implements Container.
setItem |
( |
$index, |
Item |
$item |
) |
| |
This method should not be used by plugins, use the Inventory
- Parameters
- Returns
- bool
Implements Container.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- /Users/Kids/Desktop/Doxygen/pocketmine/tile/Furnace.php