Public Member Functions | |
getLeaveMessage () | |
getClientId () | |
getClientSecret () | |
isBanned () | |
setBanned ($value) | |
isWhitelisted () | |
setWhitelisted ($value) | |
getPlayer () | |
getFirstPlayed () | |
getLastPlayed () | |
hasPlayedBefore () | |
setAllowFlight ($value) | |
getAllowFlight () | |
setAutoJump ($value) | |
hasAutoJump () | |
spawnTo (Player $player) | |
getServer () | |
getRemoveFormat () | |
setRemoveFormat ($remove=true) | |
canSee (Player $player) | |
hidePlayer (Player $player) | |
showPlayer (Player $player) | |
canCollideWith (Entity $entity) | |
resetFallDistance () | |
isOnline () | |
isOp () | |
setOp ($value) | |
isPermissionSet ($name) | |
hasPermission ($name) | |
addAttachment (Plugin $plugin, $name=null, $value=null) | |
removeAttachment (PermissionAttachment $attachment) | |
recalculatePermissions () | |
getEffectivePermissions () | |
__construct (SourceInterface $interface, $clientID, $ip, $port) | |
removeAchievement ($achievementId) | |
hasAchievement ($achievementId) | |
isConnected () | |
getDisplayName () | |
setDisplayName ($name) | |
setSkin ($str, $skinName) | |
getAddress () | |
getPort () | |
getNextPosition () | |
isSleeping () | |
getSpawn () | |
sendChunk ($x, $z, $payload, $ordering=FullChunkDataPacket::ORDER_COLUMNS) | |
batchDataPacket (DataPacket $packet) | |
dataPacket (DataPacket $packet, $needACK=false) | |
directDataPacket (DataPacket $packet, $needACK=false) | |
sleepOn (Vector3 $pos) | |
setSpawn (Vector3 $pos) | |
stopSleep () | |
awardAchievement ($achievementId) | |
getGamemode () | |
setGamemode ($gm) | |
sendSettings () | |
isSurvival () | |
isCreative () | |
isSpectator () | |
isAdventure () | |
getDrops () | |
addEntityMotion ($entityId, $x, $y, $z) | |
addEntityMovement ($entityId, $x, $y, $z, $yaw, $pitch, $headYaw=null) | |
setDataProperty ($id, $type, $value) | |
setMotion (Vector3 $mot) | |
onUpdate ($currentTick) | |
checkNetwork () | |
canInteract (Vector3 $pos, $maxDistance, $maxDiff=0.5) | |
onPlayerPreLogin () | |
tryAuthenticate () | |
authenticateCallback ($valid) | |
kick ($reason="", $isAdmin=true) | |
sendMessage ($message) | |
sendTranslation ($message, array $parameters=[]) | |
sendPopup ($message, $subtitle="") | |
sendTip ($message) | |
close ($message="", $reason="generic reason", $notify=true) | |
__debugInfo () | |
save ($async=false) | |
getName () | |
kill () | |
setHealth ($amount) | |
attack ($damage, EntityDamageEvent $source) | |
sendPosition (Vector3 $pos, $yaw=null, $pitch=null, $mode=0, array $targets=null) | |
teleport (Vector3 $pos, $yaw=null, $pitch=null) | |
teleportImmediate (Vector3 $pos, $yaw=null, $pitch=null) | |
getWindowId (Inventory $inventory) | |
addWindow (Inventory $inventory, $forceId=null) | |
removeWindow (Inventory $inventory) | |
setMetadata ($metadataKey, MetadataValue $metadataValue) | |
getMetadata ($metadataKey) | |
hasMetadata ($metadataKey) | |
removeMetadata ($metadataKey, Plugin $plugin) | |
onChunkChanged (FullChunk $chunk) | |
onChunkLoaded (FullChunk $chunk) | |
onChunkPopulated (FullChunk $chunk) | |
onChunkUnloaded (FullChunk $chunk) | |
onBlockChanged (Vector3 $block) | |
getLoaderId () | |
isLoaderActive () | |
Public Member Functions inherited from Human | |
getSkinData () | |
getSkinName () | |
getUniqueId () | |
getRawUniqueId () | |
setSkin ($str, $skinName) | |
getInventory () | |
getName () | |
getDrops () | |
saveNBT () | |
spawnTo (Player $player) | |
despawnFrom (Player $player) | |
close () | |
Public Member Functions inherited from Living | |
setHealth ($amount) | |
saveNBT () | |
getName () | |
hasLineOfSight (Entity $entity) | |
heal ($amount, EntityRegainHealthEvent $source) | |
attack ($damage, EntityDamageEvent $source) | |
knockBack (Entity $attacker, $damage, $x, $z, $base=0.4) | |
kill () | |
entityBaseTick ($tickDiff=1) | |
getDrops () | |
getLineOfSight ($maxDistance, $maxLength=0, array $transparent=[]) | |
getTargetBlock ($maxDistance, array $transparent=[]) | |
Public Member Functions inherited from Entity | |
__construct (FullChunk $chunk, Compound $nbt) | |
getNameTag () | |
isNameTagVisible () | |
setNameTag ($name) | |
setNameTagVisible ($value=true) | |
isSneaking () | |
setSneaking ($value=true) | |
isSprinting () | |
setSprinting ($value=true) | |
getEffects () | |
removeAllEffects () | |
removeEffect ($effectId) | |
getEffect ($effectId) | |
hasEffect ($effectId) | |
addEffect (Effect $effect) | |
getSaveId () | |
saveNBT () | |
getViewers () | |
spawnTo (Player $player) | |
sendPotionEffects (Player $player) | |
sendMetadata ($player) | |
sendData ($player, array $data=null) | |
despawnFrom (Player $player) | |
attack ($damage, EntityDamageEvent $source) | |
heal ($amount, EntityRegainHealthEvent $source) | |
getHealth () | |
isAlive () | |
setHealth ($amount) | |
setLastDamageCause (EntityDamageEvent $type) | |
getLastDamageCause () | |
getMaxHealth () | |
setMaxHealth ($amount) | |
canCollideWith (Entity $entity) | |
entityBaseTick ($tickDiff=1) | |
getDirectionVector () | |
getDirectionPlane () | |
onUpdate ($currentTick) | |
scheduleUpdate () | |
isOnFire () | |
setOnFire ($seconds) | |
getDirection () | |
extinguish () | |
canTriggerWalking () | |
resetFallDistance () | |
getBoundingBox () | |
fall ($fallDistance) | |
handleLavaMovement () | |
getEyeHeight () | |
moveFlying () | |
onCollideWithPlayer (Human $entityPlayer) | |
getPosition () | |
getLocation () | |
isInsideOfWater () | |
isInsideOfSolid () | |
fastMove ($dx, $dy, $dz) | |
move ($dx, $dy, $dz) | |
getBlocksAround () | |
setPositionAndRotation (Vector3 $pos, $yaw, $pitch) | |
setRotation ($yaw, $pitch) | |
setPosition (Vector3 $pos) | |
getMotion () | |
setMotion (Vector3 $motion) | |
isOnGround () | |
kill () | |
teleport (Vector3 $pos, $yaw=null, $pitch=null) | |
getId () | |
respawnToAll () | |
spawnToAll () | |
despawnFromAll () | |
close () | |
setDataProperty ($id, $type, $value) | |
getDataProperty ($id) | |
getDataPropertyType ($id) | |
setDataFlag ($propertyId, $id, $value=true, $type=self::DATA_TYPE_BYTE) | |
getDataFlag ($propertyId, $id) | |
setMetadata ($metadataKey, MetadataValue $metadataValue) | |
getMetadata ($metadataKey) | |
hasMetadata ($metadataKey) | |
removeMetadata ($metadataKey, Plugin $plugin) | |
__toString () | |
Public Member Functions inherited from Location | |
__construct ($x=0, $y=0, $z=0, $yaw=0.0, $pitch=0.0, Level $level=null) | |
getYaw () | |
getPitch () | |
__toString () | |
Public Member Functions inherited from Position | |
__construct ($x=0, $y=0, $z=0, Level $level=null) | |
getLevel () | |
setLevel (Level $level) | |
isValid () | |
setStrong () | |
setWeak () | |
getSide ($side, $step=1) | |
__toString () | |
setComponents ($x, $y, $z) | |
Public Member Functions inherited from Vector3 | |
__construct ($x=0, $y=0, $z=0) | |
getX () | |
getY () | |
getZ () | |
getFloorX () | |
getFloorY () | |
getFloorZ () | |
getRight () | |
getUp () | |
getForward () | |
getSouth () | |
getWest () | |
add ($x, $y=0, $z=0) | |
subtract ($x=0, $y=0, $z=0) | |
multiply ($number) | |
divide ($number) | |
ceil () | |
floor () | |
round () | |
abs () | |
getSide ($side, $step=1) | |
distance (Vector3 $pos) | |
distanceSquared (Vector3 $pos) | |
maxPlainDistance ($x=0, $z=0) | |
length () | |
lengthSquared () | |
normalize () | |
dot (Vector3 $v) | |
cross (Vector3 $v) | |
equals (Vector3 $v) | |
getIntermediateWithXValue (Vector3 $v, $x) | |
getIntermediateWithYValue (Vector3 $v, $y) | |
getIntermediateWithZValue (Vector3 $v, $z) | |
setComponents ($x, $y, $z) | |
__toString () | |
Public Member Functions inherited from ChunkLoader | |
getPosition () | |
getX () | |
getZ () | |
getLevel () | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static | getChunkCacheFromData ($chunkX, $chunkZ, $payload, $ordering=FullChunkDataPacket::ORDER_COLUMNS) |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from Entity | |
static | createEntity ($type, FullChunk $chunk, Compound $nbt,...$args) |
static | registerEntity ($className, $force=false) |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from Location | |
static | fromObject (Vector3 $pos, Level $level=null, $yaw=0.0, $pitch=0.0) |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from Position | |
static | fromObject (Vector3 $pos, Level $level=null) |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from Vector3 | |
static | getOppositeSide ($side) |
Data Fields | |
const | SURVIVAL = 0 |
const | CREATIVE = 1 |
const | ADVENTURE = 2 |
const | SPECTATOR = 3 |
const | VIEW = Player::SPECTATOR |
const | SURVIVAL_SLOTS = 36 |
const | CREATIVE_SLOTS = 112 |
$spawned = false | |
$loggedIn = false | |
$gamemode | |
$lastBreak | |
$speed = null | |
$blocked = false | |
$achievements = [] | |
$lastCorrect | |
$craftingType = 0 | |
$loginData = [] | |
$creationTime = 0 | |
$usedChunks = [] | |
Data Fields inherited from Human | |
const | DATA_PLAYER_FLAGS = 16 |
$width = 0.6 | |
$length = 0.6 | |
$height = 1.8 | |
$eyeHeight = 1.62 | |
Data Fields inherited from Entity | |
const | NETWORK_ID = -1 |
const | DATA_TYPE_BYTE = 0 |
const | DATA_TYPE_SHORT = 1 |
const | DATA_TYPE_INT = 2 |
const | DATA_TYPE_FLOAT = 3 |
const | DATA_TYPE_STRING = 4 |
const | DATA_TYPE_SLOT = 5 |
const | DATA_TYPE_POS = 6 |
const | DATA_TYPE_ROTATION = 7 |
const | DATA_TYPE_LONG = 8 |
const | DATA_FLAGS = 0 |
const | DATA_AIR = 1 |
const | DATA_NAMETAG = 2 |
const | DATA_SHOW_NAMETAG = 3 |
const | DATA_SILENT = 4 |
const | DATA_POTION_COLOR = 7 |
const | DATA_NO_AI = 15 |
const | DATA_FLAG_ONFIRE = 0 |
const | DATA_FLAG_SNEAKING = 1 |
const | DATA_FLAG_RIDING = 2 |
const | DATA_FLAG_ACTION = 4 |
$passenger = null | |
$vehicle = null | |
$chunk | |
$lastX = null | |
$lastY = null | |
$lastZ = null | |
$motionX | |
$motionY | |
$motionZ | |
$temporalVector | |
$lastMotionX | |
$lastMotionY | |
$lastMotionZ | |
$lastYaw | |
$lastPitch | |
$boundingBox | |
$onGround | |
$inBlock = false | |
$positionChanged | |
$motionChanged | |
$deadTicks = 0 | |
$height | |
$eyeHeight = null | |
$width | |
$length | |
$keepMovement = false | |
$fallDistance = 0 | |
$ticksLived = 0 | |
$lastUpdate | |
$maxFireTicks | |
$fireTicks = 0 | |
$namedtag | |
$canCollide = true | |
$isCollided = false | |
$isCollidedHorizontally = false | |
$isCollidedVertically = false | |
$noDamageTicks | |
$closed = false | |
Data Fields inherited from Location | |
$yaw | |
$pitch | |
Data Fields inherited from Position | |
$level = null | |
Data Fields inherited from Vector3 | |
const | SIDE_DOWN = 0 |
const | SIDE_UP = 1 |
const | SIDE_NORTH = 2 |
const | SIDE_SOUTH = 3 |
const | SIDE_WEST = 4 |
const | SIDE_EAST = 5 |
$x | |
$y | |
$z | |
Protected Member Functions | |
switchLevel (Level $targetLevel) | |
sendNextChunk () | |
doFirstSpawn () | |
orderChunks () | |
checkGroundState ($movX, $movY, $movZ, $dx, $dy, $dz) | |
checkBlockCollision () | |
checkNearEntities ($tickDiff) | |
processMovement ($tickDiff) | |
updateMovement () | |
checkTeleportPosition () | |
Protected Member Functions inherited from Human | |
initEntity () | |
Protected Member Functions inherited from Living | |
initEntity () | |
Protected Member Functions inherited from Entity | |
recalculateEffectColor () | |
initEntity () | |
checkObstruction ($x, $y, $z) | |
updateMovement () | |
updateFallState ($distanceThisTick, $onGround) | |
switchLevel (Level $targetLevel) | |
checkGroundState ($movX, $movY, $movZ, $dx, $dy, $dz) | |
checkBlockCollision () | |
checkChunks () | |
Protected Attributes | |
$interface | |
$windowCnt = 2 | |
$windows | |
$windowIndex = [] | |
$messageCounter = 2 | |
$sendIndex = 0 | |
$currentTransaction = null | |
$isCrafting = false | |
$randomClientId | |
$lastMovement = 0 | |
$forceMovement = null | |
$teleportPosition = null | |
$connected = true | |
$ip | |
$removeFormat = true | |
$port | |
$username | |
$iusername | |
$displayName | |
$startAction = -1 | |
$sleeping = null | |
$clientID = null | |
$stepHeight = 0.6 | |
$chunkLoadCount = 0 | |
$loadQueue = [] | |
$nextChunkOrderRun = 5 | |
$hiddenPlayers = [] | |
$newPosition | |
$viewDistance | |
$chunksPerTick | |
$spawnThreshold | |
$inAirTicks = 0 | |
$startAirTicks = 5 | |
$autoJump = true | |
$allowFlight = false | |
Protected Attributes inherited from Human | |
$inventory | |
$uuid | |
$rawUUID | |
$skinName | |
$skin | |
Protected Attributes inherited from Living | |
$gravity = 0.08 | |
$drag = 0.02 | |
$attackTime = 0 | |
$invisible = false | |
Protected Attributes inherited from Entity | |
$hasSpawned = [] | |
$effects = [] | |
$id | |
$dataFlags = 0 | |
$dataProperties | |
$lastDamageCause = null | |
$age = 0 | |
$ySize = 0 | |
$stepHeight = 0 | |
$isStatic = false | |
$justCreated | |
$fireProof | |
$gravity | |
$drag | |
$server | |
$timings | |
$isPlayer = false | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
Static Public Attributes inherited from Entity | |
static | $entityCount = 1 |
Main class that handles networking, recovery, and packet sending to the server part
__construct | ( | SourceInterface | $interface, |
$clientID, | |||
$ip, | |||
$port | |||
) |
SourceInterface | $interface | |
null | $clientID | |
string | $ip | |
integer | $port |
addAttachment | ( | Plugin | $plugin, |
$name = null , |
$value = null |
) |
addEntityMotion | ( | $entityId, | |
$x, | |||
$y, | |||
$z | |||
) |
addEntityMovement | ( | $entityId, | |
$x, | |||
$y, | |||
$z, | |||
$yaw, | |||
$pitch, | |||
$headYaw = null |
) |
addWindow | ( | Inventory | $inventory, |
$forceId = null |
) |
Returns the created/existing window id
Inventory | $inventory | |
int | $forceId |
awardAchievement | ( | $achievementId | ) |
string | $achievementId |
batchDataPacket | ( | DataPacket | $packet | ) |
Batch a Data packet into the channel list to send at the end of the tick
DataPacket | $packet |
final |
Note for plugin developers: use kick() with the isAdmin flag set to kick without the "Kicked by admin" part instead of this method.
string | $message | Message to be broadcasted |
string | $reason | Reason showed in console |
bool | $notify |
dataPacket | ( | DataPacket | $packet, |
$needACK = false |
) |
Sends an ordered DataPacket to the send buffer
DataPacket | $packet | |
bool | $needACK |
directDataPacket | ( | DataPacket | $packet, |
$needACK = false |
) |
DataPacket | $packet | |
bool | $needACK |
getAddress | ( | ) |
Gets the player IP address
static |
$chunkX | |
$chunkZ | |
$payload |
getClientId | ( | ) |
This might disappear in the future. Please use getUniqueId() instead (IP + clientId + name combo, in the future it'll change to real UUID for online auth)
getDisplayName | ( | ) |
Gets the "friendly" name to display of this player to use in the chat.
getEffectivePermissions | ( | ) |
Implements Permissible.
getFirstPlayed | ( | ) |
Implements IPlayer.
getGamemode | ( | ) |
getLastPlayed | ( | ) |
Implements IPlayer.
getLoaderId | ( | ) |
Returns the ChunkLoader id. Call Level::generateChunkLoaderId($this) to generate and save it
Implements ChunkLoader.
getMetadata | ( | $metadataKey | ) |
Returns a list of previously set metadata values from the implementing object's metadata store.
string | $metadataKey |
Implements Metadatable.
getName | ( | ) |
getPlayer | ( | ) |
Implements IPlayer.
getPort | ( | ) |
getRemoveFormat | ( | ) |
getServer | ( | ) |
Implements CommandSender.
getSpawn | ( | ) |
getWindowId | ( | Inventory | $inventory | ) |
Inventory | $inventory |
hasAchievement | ( | $achievementId | ) |
string | $achievementId |
hasMetadata | ( | $metadataKey | ) |
Tests to see whether the implementing object contains the given metadata value in its metadata store.
string | $metadataKey |
Implements Metadatable.
hasPermission | ( | $name | ) |
hasPlayedBefore | ( | ) |
Implements IPlayer.
isBanned | ( | ) |
Implements IPlayer.
isConnected | ( | ) |
isLoaderActive | ( | ) |
isOnline | ( | ) |
Implements IPlayer.
isOp | ( | ) |
Implements ServerOperator.
isPermissionSet | ( | $name | ) |
isSleeping | ( | ) |
isWhitelisted | ( | ) |
Implements IPlayer.
kick | ( | $reason = "" , |
$isAdmin = true |
) |
Kicks a player from the server
string | $reason | |
bool | $isAdmin |
onBlockChanged | ( | Vector3 | $block | ) |
This method will be called when a block changes in a registered chunk
Block | Vector3 | $block |
Implements ChunkLoader.
onChunkChanged | ( | FullChunk | $chunk | ) |
This method will be called when a Chunk is replaced by a new one
FullChunk | $chunk |
Implements ChunkLoader.
onChunkLoaded | ( | FullChunk | $chunk | ) |
This method will be called when a registered chunk is loaded
FullChunk | $chunk |
Implements ChunkLoader.
onChunkPopulated | ( | FullChunk | $chunk | ) |
This method will be called when a registered chunk is populated Usually it'll be sent with another call to onChunkChanged()
FullChunk | $chunk |
Implements ChunkLoader.
onChunkUnloaded | ( | FullChunk | $chunk | ) |
This method will be called when a registered chunk is unloaded
FullChunk | $chunk |
Implements ChunkLoader.
recalculatePermissions | ( | ) |
Implements Permissible.
removeAchievement | ( | $achievementId | ) |
string | $achievementId |
removeAttachment | ( | PermissionAttachment | $attachment | ) |
PermissionAttachment | $attachment |
Implements Permissible.
removeMetadata | ( | $metadataKey, | |
Plugin | $owningPlugin | ||
) |
Removes the given metadata value from the implementing object's metadata store.
string | $metadataKey | |
Plugin | $owningPlugin |
Implements Metadatable.
save | ( | $async = false | ) |
Handles player data saving
sendMessage | ( | $message | ) |
Sends a direct chat message to a player
string | TextContainer | $message |
Implements CommandSender.
sendSettings | ( | ) |
Sends all the option flags
setBanned | ( | $banned | ) |
bool | $banned |
Implements IPlayer.
setDisplayName | ( | $name | ) |
string | $name |
setGamemode | ( | $gm | ) |
setMetadata | ( | $metadataKey, | |
MetadataValue | $newMetadataValue | ||
) |
Sets a metadata value in the implementing object's metadata store.
string | $metadataKey | |
MetadataValue | $newMetadataValue |
Implements Metadatable.
setOp | ( | $value | ) |
bool | $value |
Implements ServerOperator.
setRemoveFormat | ( | $remove = true | ) |
bool | $remove |
setSpawn | ( | Vector3 | $pos | ) |
Sets the spawnpoint of the player (and the compass direction) to a Vector3, or set it on another world with a Position object
Vector3 | Position | $pos |
setWhitelisted | ( | $value | ) |
bool | $value |
Implements IPlayer.
sleepOn | ( | Vector3 | $pos | ) |
Vector3 | $pos |
teleport | ( | Vector3 | $pos, |
$yaw = null , |
$pitch = null |
) |
Vector3 | Position | Location | $pos | |
float | $yaw | |
float | $pitch |
teleportImmediate | ( | Vector3 | $pos, |
$yaw = null , |
$pitch = null |
) |
This method may not be reliable. Clients don't like to be moved into unloaded chunks. Use teleport() for a delayed teleport after chunks have been sent.
Vector3 | $pos | |
float | $yaw | |
float | $pitch |